Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Live Webinar: Configuring Postini Services

Integration and management of Postini services with Google Apps has been a challenge for many of our resellers. However, these services, Google Message Security (GMS) and Google Message Discovery (GMD), are powerful features that can help you win new Google Apps customers and provide a compelling upsell.

This Wednesday Horizon Info services, an authorized reseller specializing in Google Postini Services, will join us in a live webinar to provide a guide to proper GMS activation, setup and configuration, and tips to help you upsell customers with GMD.

Postini Administration with Horizon Info Services
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
10:00 am PDT, 1:00 pm EDT

Join us to get an overview on GMS and GMD, tips to avoid common configurations errors, and how to upsell customers.